- Easy Bike Rides off the Bedford to Sandy Cycleway ........... £ 3.25
(where sold)
A set of 8 easy rides on 10 A5 cards.
- Easy Cycle Rides Around Bedford [Updated 2006] ............. £ 3.25
12 Easy cycle rides suitable for families and cyclists
of all ages in the local countryside.
- Cycle Map - Bedford and Kempston ................................. Out of print
The map shows routes, as far as possible avoiding busy roads, that connect the residential areas to all the main destinations in the town and to the countryside. The the latest on-line edition of the map is available to download as a .pdfhere. An on-line map of the town centre cycle stands is also available as a .pdf here.
- Explore route 51 - the university way [Reprinted 2007] ..... Out of Print
Route map for the National Cycle Network Route 51 between Milton Keynes, Bedford and Sandy. The leaflet may be downloaded as a .pdfhere.
- Bike Rides from Priory Park Bedford (Leaflet) ................... £ 0.60
5 Easy to follow rides, four of which are flat and almost
entirely on cycle tracks and paths suitable for inexperienced cyclists.
- Bike Rides from Longholme Lake Cafe Bedford ................. Out of Print
4 Easy to follow rides, three of which are flat and almost
entirely on cycle tracks and paths suitable for inexperienced riders. [Similar to Priory Park leaflet above].
- Bunyan's Bedfordshire - A progress by bicycle ................. Out of Print
An easy and enjoyable way for the whole family to explore
the many places in Bedfordshire associated with John Bunyan and
his book 'Pilgrim's Progress'. The route divides into three sections
which can be tackled individually or as one longer ride.
- Family Bike Rides in and around Bedford ......................... Out of Print
A series of 18 rides designed for inexperienced riders
but capable of being enjoyed by cyclists of all abilities and
inclinations. The rides were updated in 2014 and are available to download from the cycleBedford website
All the books and map are available from the Cycling
Campaign for North Bedfordshire.
Please send SAE (A5 minimum) and include cheque made out to
'Cycling Campaign for North Bedfordshire' to
CCNB Publications , 15 Dove Road, Bedford, MK41 7AA.