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This year, 2025, is CCNB's 33rd year of campaigning for cycling improvements and promoting cycling in Bedford Borough. Last year showed no increase in the number of people cycling to the town ceentre and is still around 60% lower than the peak seen in 2015. This is believed to be due not only to the Covid-19 lockdowns but also to the introduction of a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in 2016 together with the closure of many of the town's department stores.
Cycling to the railway station is slowly increasing but is still onyl 50% of pre-Covid-19 levels due to many commuters still working from their home.
The virus is still with us although at a much reduced level. Please stay alert, keep your distance and wash your hands regularly to help reduce its spread.
'Climate Change' and 'Air Pollution', in addition to the coronavirus are two of the world's crises of our time with the former approaching a tipping point. With 40% (2022 figure) of the total emissions in Bedford Borough coming from transport, it is therefore extremely important that to help reduce emissions more residents URGENTLY consider using a cycle as an alternative to a motor vehicle to travel short distances. (see latest Climate Change Cyczine here)
Cycling is fun - good for your health - great for your fitness - fastest mode of transport for door to door short journeys - environmentally friendly - saves money on parking and fuel.
It offers mobility for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities and creates safer and more pleasant streets.
Bedford together with Kempston has always been a cycling town and today has an extensive cycle network started in the 1950s consisting of 27 strategic radial routes to the town centre and two orbital routes, inner 'Avenue' route and outer 'Green Wheel' route, mostly a mixture of off-road paths and tracks and quiet residential roads which with the surrounding villages makes up a great cycling experience. A short viedo on the network can be seen here
For highway maintenance problems contact
Bedford Unitary Authority Helpdesk - If the pothole is not reported, it will not be filled in.
For the latest information on the local highway look at Highway Information for links to the appropriate sections of the Borough's website.
For a summary of current Borough planning documents relevant to cycling look at Cycling Policies with links to the full documents on the Borough's website.

Larger copy of Bedford Town Centre cycle
stand map can be seen by clicking on above
A larger copy of the Bedford and Kempston Cycle Map
stand map can be seen by clicking on the above